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Frequently Asked Questions

Concrete Texture

What are the benefits of water cutting?

  • Cuts small and intricate designs or large and bulky objects.

  • Reduces time and money through quick precision cutting.

  • Eliminates the need for secondary processes by producing a quality finish with no heavy burning.

  • Does not distort materials and has no heat affected zone.

  • Places no pressure on the part being cut.

  • Can quickly produce one-off prototypes or large production run.

  • Allows some materials to be stacked, cutting multiple pars with a single pass.

  • Reduces material waste by tight Part nesting.

  • Cuts most materials.

Who uses water cutting?

Water cutting is a process that can be used by anyone to achieve a quick and accurate cut for a variety of purposes, ranging from:

  • Home DIY'ers

  • Builders

  • Architects

  • Designers

  • Hobbyists

  • Engineering Companies

  • Sign writers

  • Glaziers

  • Furniture makers

  • Anyone

Grainy Texture
Grainy Texture

How much does water cutting cost?

The cost of water cutting is determined by the time and is affected by:

  • Medium (type of material)

  • Thickness and/or density of material

  • Intricacy (level of detail)

  • Tolerance (degree of accuracy)

  • Quality of cut (grade 1 - 5)

    • 1= Sever

    • 5= Precision

In what file should I send my design to you?

We can convery your design to the required format, or you can provide it on one of the following formats:

  • DXF- Drawing xchange format (export to 6 decimal place accuracy

  • DWG- Autocad LT2000

  • CDR- Coreldraw

  • IGES- Initial Graphics Exchange Specification ( used by many CAD programs)

  • JPG's- These may require further drafting for use by the water cutting company's software

  • Bitmap's - These may require further drafting for use by the water cutting company's software

Grainy Texture
White Background

What other things would be helpful when sending my designs, drawings or parts?

If providing an electronic copy of your drawing follow the tips below:

  • Cutting parameters must be one layer

  • Profiles are of line type- continuous

  • Curves are made up of arcs (not short lines/spines)

  • Ensure all lines are intersect properly (you can check this by converting the profile into a polyline to see all items join)

  • Eliminate all blocks, text styles, borders, logos etc

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